If you owe money to the Kentucky Department of Revenue, you may be wondering if there`s a way to make payments over time instead of paying everything off in one lump sum. The good news is that Kentucky does offer installment agreements to taxpayers who are unable to pay their tax debt in full.

An installment agreement is a payment plan that allows you to pay off your tax debt over time, rather than all at once. This can be a great option if you`re experiencing financial hardship or if you`re facing other financial obligations that make it difficult to pay off your tax debt in one go.

If you`re interested in setting up an installment agreement with the Kentucky Department of Revenue, here`s what you need to know:


Not everyone is eligible for an installment agreement. You must first file all required Kentucky tax returns and have received a bill or notice from the Department of Revenue indicating that you owe a debt. You also need to demonstrate that you can`t pay the entire amount due at once.

Agreement Terms

The terms of your installment agreement will vary depending on the amount you owe and your individual circumstances. Generally, installment agreements must be paid off within 36 months. Interest and penalties will continue to accrue on the unpaid balance while you`re making payments.

To set up an installment agreement, you`ll need to complete Form 51A178, Kentucky Installment Agreement Request, and submit it to the Department of Revenue. You`ll also need to provide financial information showing that you`re unable to pay the entire amount due at once.

Keep in mind that the Department of Revenue can revoke your installment agreement if you fail to make payments on time or if you fail to provide accurate financial information. This can result in additional penalties and interest, so it`s important to stay up-to-date on your payments.

Benefits of an Installment Agreement

Setting up an installment agreement with the Kentucky Department of Revenue can provide several benefits. For one, it allows you to make payments on a schedule that works for you, rather than trying to come up with a large lump sum all at once. It also allows you to avoid more serious collection actions, such as wage garnishment or bank levies.

Additionally, making payments on time can help you avoid further penalties and interest charges. It can also help you maintain good standing with the Department of Revenue, which can be important if you have future tax obligations in Kentucky.


An installment agreement can be an effective way to pay off your Kentucky tax debt over time, without facing more serious collection actions. If you`re struggling to pay off your tax debt, it`s worth considering an installment agreement as an option. To learn more about setting up an installment agreement with the Kentucky Department of Revenue, visit their website or contact them directly.