Edinburgh Tenancy Agreement: Everything You Need to Know

Are you planning to lease a property in Edinburgh? Before you do, it`s essential to know everything about the Edinburgh tenancy agreement. This legal document outlines the terms and conditions of your tenancy agreement and serves as a reference guide for both you and your landlord.

What is a Tenancy Agreement?

A tenancy agreement is a legal contract between a landlord and tenant. It outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy, such as the length of the lease, the rent amount, and the tenant`s responsibilities during the tenancy. The agreement serves as a binding contract that both parties must adhere to throughout the lease term.

Types of Edinburgh Tenancy Agreements

In Edinburgh, there are two types of tenancy agreements: private residential tenancies (PRTs) and short assured tenancies (SATs).

Private Residential Tenancies (PRTs)

A PRT is the most common type of tenancy agreement in Edinburgh. It offers tenants security of tenure, meaning that they can stay in the property for as long as they like, provided they adhere to the terms of the agreement. A PRT also outlines the rights and responsibilities of both the tenant and landlord.

Short Assured Tenancies (SATs)

A SAT is a less common type of tenancy agreement in Edinburgh and is typically used for fixed-term tenancies. These agreements have a set end date, and the tenant must vacate the property when the lease term ends. A SAT offers tenants less security of tenure than a PRT, but it can be ideal for those who need a temporary housing solution.

What to Look for in an Edinburgh Tenancy Agreement

When reviewing your Edinburgh tenancy agreement, there are several key terms to look for:

Rent: The amount of rent you will pay each month, as well as any payment due dates and methods.

Deposit: The amount of money you must pay as a deposit, as well as any conditions for the deposit`s return.

Length of Tenancy: The duration of the lease term. For PRTs, this is typically indefinite, and for SATs, it is a fixed term.

Maintenance and Repairs: The landlord`s responsibilities for property maintenance and repairs, as well as the tenant`s obligations to keep the property in good condition.

Termination: The process for terminating the tenancy agreement, including notice periods and conditions for early termination.


Understanding the Edinburgh tenancy agreement is crucial for anyone looking to rent a property in Edinburgh. It outlines the terms and conditions of the tenancy and serves as a reference guide for both the tenant and landlord. Be sure to review the agreement carefully and ask any questions you may have before signing to ensure a successful tenancy.