The general manager contract is an essential document that outlines the terms and conditions of a general manager`s employment. It provides guidance and clarity on the expectations of both the employer and the employee. A well-drafted general manager contract example can act as a reference point for organizations looking to create their own document.

Here are some key sections that should be included in a general manager contract:

Job Description: This section should outline the specific duties and responsibilities that the general manager is expected to perform. It should be detailed enough to clearly define the scope of their role.

Salary and Benefits: This section spells out the compensation package that the general manager will receive, including their salary and any additional benefits such as healthcare, paid time off, and bonuses. It`s important to be clear about how the salary will be determined, and when and how the general manager will receive payment.

Term of Employment: This section specifies the length of the general manager`s contract, and any renewal terms. It should also outline the circumstances under which the contract can be terminated and the notice period required for both the employer and the general manager.

Confidentiality and Non-Compete: This section should cover confidentiality agreements that restrict the general manager`s ability to disclose sensitive information about the organization and non-compete agreements that prevent them from working for competitors after they leave.

Intellectual Property: This section should clarify ownership of any intellectual property created during the general manager`s employment. It should also include agreements for the general manager to return all company property upon termination.

Governing Law and Dispute Resolution: This section states which state or federal laws will govern the contract. It also outlines how any disputes will be handled, whether through arbitration or litigation.


Creating a comprehensive general manager contract example requires attention to detail and a clear understanding of the organization`s needs. It`s important to tailor the document to the specific requirements of the position and the organization. By taking the time to create a well-crafted contract, you can ensure that both the employer and the general manager are protected and can work together effectively.